Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Weekly Forecast ( 12th- 18th Feb'12)

Weekly forecast for the week starting from 12th February- 18th February ’12 :

ARIES: -     (22nd March- 21st April)

Matters of heart will be extremely romantic and pleasant. You share great rapport with your partner. If you have been single for long then there are string chances of thoughts of settling down in this week. Wedding celebration or a reunion of some sorts is indicated as the week progresses. Professionally, you need to avoid taking any major decisions. Business transitions too are a big NO in this week. Financial investments will be rewarding and shall benefit you more from creative projects. Health can be a cause of concern and at times too much of travelling might also take a toll on your health patterns. There are celebrations at the family front and happiness and love seeps in beautifully creating an emotionally satisfying aura around you. Travels are best avoided during this period. You might feel a bit exhausted by the weekend and sleep patterns might get disturbed too as the week closes in.

LUCKY DATE : 12,14,16.

TAURUS: (22nd April - 21st May)

Financial investments shall move northwards giving you an upper edge in monetary matters. A focussed approach towards it or travels related to this too brings in excellent changes in your life. You might feel a bit let down by your professional matters as someone on whom you have relied a lot is not giving you due returns. There are few rumours as well which needs to be curbed down in work area. A proactive approach in matters of heart will benefit you in the longer run and shall bring back the happiness and harmony in your life. Health can be tough to handle and should be dealt with care and expert advice. An extra effort from your end shall change the family scenario creating more peace and happiness. Travels shall be favourable and you shall be recognized for your wisdom. However, you will feel a bit restricted due to certain situations as the week comes to its end.

LUCKY Date : 14,17.

GEMINI:  (22nd May- 21st June)
Matters of heart will be pleasant and romantic. You celebrate with friends, family and loved ones. A child or an addition in the family shall be instrumental in creating more peace and harmony in your life. Professionally, this is the time to exude a lot of patience and diplomacy. Financial matters resolve subtly and shall be good though there are still scopes for a lot of improvements. You might feel a bit emotionally stuck up in few situations. The dilemma is that you want to come out of them and yet do not have enough reasons to do so. A youngster in the family can be a cause of concern and might act too stubborn in this week. Travels shall be favourable and you might come across an interesting and charming person while on a holiday or a trip. News by the end of the week is more peaceful and pleasant.

LUCKY DATE:  12,13,17,18.         

CANCER:  (22nd June - 21st July)

Professionally, this is an excellent week as a number of opportunities seep in your life. You are amidst myriad patterns of growth and the cards guide you to wait for a while and see which one unfolds it to your expectations. Financially too this is a good week and the success story continues in this area as well where finances flow from two or more resources. However, you need to be a bit more patient and calm in matters of heart. An emotional outburst can create more anxieties in your love life. Health of an elderly man can be a cause of concern. You also should be a bit careful about your eating patterns as abdominal area seems to be getting affected by it. Family matters can create more happiness if they are dealt with more cheerful approach. Avoiding travels in this week shall be a good idea to implement. A sensible approach in your life as the week comes to its end will be a better idea to follow.  

LUCKY DATE:  13,17,18.

LEO:  (22nd July - 21st August)

An elderly person who has a dynamic personality helps you and guides you well in your love life. This is a week when you believe in taking actions and doing the needful. This shall also create flow of positive aura in your environment. Health keeps you in a good shape and you shall feel much lighter and healthier in the abdominal area. A new beginning at the family’s end brings about a lot of happiness and harmony in your life. However, you need to pacify the feminine energies in this week. Your work gets affected due to excess interference of a woman in your professional life. Similarly, I also foresee a lot of expenses taking place on women in your life. You might feel a bit restless as the week comes to its end.

LUCKY DATE:  12, 16,17.

VIRGO: (22nd August- 21st September)

Holidays and travels along with family members will be enjoyable and pleasant even if they were initially full of doubts and insecurities. You will need to put in extra efforts to create more peace and love in your love life. Professionally, though this is a week which might create a lot of emotional anxieties. Also creative projects if any might take more time than required to fulfil your expectations. Financially, this seems to be an average week for you. Health will be okay but still needs a bit more care and monitoring. Travels will be enjoyable and you will become a lot focussed and protective about your travel ventures. Weekends shall be pleasant and romantic.

LUCKY DATE:  16,17,18.

LIBRA: (22nd September- 21st October)

You might plan a journey or a holiday with your loved one in this week. There is a lot of happiness and peace that seeps in your environment and creates an atmosphere of love and light. Financial transitions shall turn out to be beneficial. However, there is a huge stress quotient too that seems to be entering your work front. It is the best to avoid any kind of confrontations in this week. Health puts you in an easy and comfortable situation. A fatherly figure helps you in your family matters and his wisdom and blessings shall be instrumental in bringing about positive changes in your family life. Travel itinerary should be dealt with strict scrutiny as a minor error or a promises made on face value might not turn up as expected. You might feel a bit emotionally tired as the week comes to its end.

LUCKY DATE:  12,14,15,16.

SCORPIO:  (22nd October- 21st November)

Good news can be expected in your love life. Children shall be therapeutic and you will relax and enjoy in their company. Professionally too your stars are shining bright and bring in excellent changes which gives a lot of boost to your career graph. Expenses on women in your life might be on the higher side. This is a week which tests your emotional quotient as chances are that you might get stuck up in between two people and wouldn’t know which way to swing in. romantic endeavours will need a thoughtful approach and listening to your inner voice shall show you the right path. There are few changes that might take some more time to improve as far as your family matters are concerned. Travels will be pleasant and memorable. You might feel a bit low and a stubborn approach by the end of the week might act as a spoil sport around this time.  

LUCKY DATE: 12,13,15,17.

SAGGITARIUS:  (22nd November- 21st December)

It’s the time of the year again when spring blossoms back in your life with romantic endeavours and passion flowing back. Professionally, things will be more at ease and credits and accolades for your efforts and projects is thrown positively at you. Financially, changes will be good and your focus will turn more towards your family. Investments will be more towards meeting up with your responsibilities and a practical approach helps in dealing with them in a better form. Abdominal problems might surface up . Keeping a check on your diet patterns will help you in many a ways. You will be appreciated and showered with a lot of attention from your family and friends. Travels throw a number of opportunities for you and bring in huge success in many a ways. Weekends will be mildly pleasant.

LUCKY DATE: 12,13,16,17.          

CAPRICORN:  (22nd December- 21st January)

Health shall keep you in a good shape. You will re discover your rejuvenated self. It’s a cleansing process for your mind body and soul when you feel refreshed and rejuvenated. Travels shall be favourable. However, taking salt bath and blessing one and all enhances your positive aura and cleanses your blockages. There are some doubts and confusions related to your love life which might develop a sense of insecurity or anxiety in you. Professionally too this anxiety seeps in and affects a partnership or relationship with your colleagues adversely. A financial matter resolve suddenly in the latter half period of the week and brings in excellent growth then at times even surprising you. A flexible and easy communication related to your family resolves a lot of your deadlocks. You might feel a bit restless by the end of the week wither due to too much of staying away from home or due to some stress which seems to be lingering a wee bit too long.
LUCKY DATE: 15,17.

AQUARIUS:  (22nd January- 21st February)

Health will turn the tides in your favour as you shall be full of energy and vitality. a motherly figure in your family helps you and supports you in your endeavours. You will enjoy travelling in this week as they give you desired success and happiness. A man who has a dynamic personality might help you in your travel ventures. However, you need to learn the art of manipulating your love life by being diplomatic and patient in your dealings. Health of your loved one also might be a cause of concern for you. Professionally, there are matters or situations which might suddenly put you in the back foot and might unleash your frustration and anger at the wrong time and on a wrong person. Maintaining your cool and checking on your emotional outbursts shall help in balancing a lot of negativities in this sector. Expenses seem to be on the higher side. However, this is a very transitory phase as you shall soon overcome your anxieties by the end of the week. A woman who is slightly lonely by nature helps you in your life by the end of the week.

LUCKY DATE:  15,16,17,18.

PISCES:  (22nd February- 21st March)

Professionally, this seems to be a very busy week for you. You will learn the art of team effort and shall turn the tables in your favour with your wisdom and co-ordination skills. Expenses though will be on the higher side. A hard working man who has reached a position of strength might create further expenses in your life. Health keeps you in a stalemate pattern. However, you will witness sparks of intuitiveness developing in your life giving you sudden clues and thoughts to improve your life patterns for betterment of your life. Travels though are best avoided in this week. You might feel very restless while travelling and might become homesick as well. Love life needs more love and nurturing. A child can cause you further anxieties. There could be some property related matter too which might play spoilsport as the week progresses.
LUCKY DATE:  13,16.

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